
Friday Favorites #24: Mushrooms, Cycleboats, Yoga, Epic Dips, and Mighty Nest

Lake Norman

Happy Friday! I'm typing this up early this week as I sit at the garage getting my car inspected. Fun times! Especially when a simple inspection turns into hundreds of dollars in repairs and four hours at the garage...whyyy. While this is most definitely not making it onto my favorite things there are plenty of things I have been loving this week. As always, I'd love to hear what things are making you smile in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3

Lions Mane Mushrooms

On Saturdays that…

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Friday Favorites #23: ALDI finds, an Amazon Prime Show, and a Burpee Challenge


Happy Friday! Once again I'm stopping by to share some of the things I'm loving this week. As always, I'd love to hear what things made you smile in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3

ALDI's Pineapple Jalapeño Hummus

ALDI hummus

I spotted this Pineapple Jalapeño hummus at ALDI this week in the little chilled area where they put fun products that are only around for a limited time. You know where I'm talking about? I love that spot, because I'm all about fun new things to try. Pretty sure M…

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Friday Favorites #22

Happy Friday! How has your week been? Our weekend started out fun with my in-laws visiting. I took zero photos during that time, but it was great to spend time with them. The weekend was filled with yummy food from local spots, pool time (the weather in Charlotte was perfection), ice cream, and mini golf. I've been dealing with some health things that are making me feel less than awesome some days, so that was a nice distraction. This weekend I'm looking forward to spending some quality time…

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Friday Favorites #21: Herbs, Piglets, and Feeling Alive

Happy Friday! While the work week was short with Memorial Day it is feeling plenty long due to an overwhelming number of sad cases at work. Thank goodness for sweet and healthy patients in-between that help to balance the tough moments. Initially I wasn't planning on writing a Friday Favorites post this week (I'm thinking about cutting back or discontinuing them), but after a sad week it's always helpful to reflect on some of the things I'm currently loving. As always, I'd love to hear what'…

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Healthy Hash Brown-Crusted Rosemary and Thyme Frittata with Caramelized Onions, Mushrooms, and Cauliflower Rice

healthy hash brown-crusted frittata

Have I got a recipe for you today. That title is a little bit of a mouthful, huh? I just wanted you guys to know all the goodness that was jam packed into this healthy hash brown-crusted frittata that has rapidly become a staple in this household. It's SO good. The look on Matt's face when he tried it for the first time told me this was a winner. We've been enjoying it as a fun dinner to make on a Sunday night. It's comforting but easy and then makes for great breakfast or lunch leftove…

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Mindful May Week 4: Starting a Gratitude Journal

gratitude journals

Welcome to Week 4 of Mindful May! I'm sitting outside on my deck feeling pretty content at the moment. I woke up feeling refreshed at 6 am this morning and decided to take advantage of some time outside before the heat and humidity take over for the day. I spent a couple of hours finishing up the last area that needed to be weeded while listening to Bon Appetit's Foodcast. It was quiet and comfortable outside and actually an amazingly peaceful way to start my Sunday (I started writing thi…

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Friday Favorites #20 + Heirloom Restaurant Review

Happy Friday! It has been a hot one in Charlotte this week and looking at the forecast it appears that weather is here to stay. For some reason I like to wait until it's in the 90's to finally work on my gardens so that has taken up the majority of my spare time this week. I also finally organized my garage which feels SO good. I live an incredibly exciting life, I know. Once again I'm sharing some of the things that have made me smile this week including a review of one of our favorite res…

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Workout Journals and an Instagram-Inspired Full Body Functional Workout

If you're looking for an epic full body functional workout with creative moves, I've got you covered! This workout made me so happy...and sweaty in the best way. I'm still doing Alexia Clark workouts Monday through Friday and putting together my own workout on Saturdays from inspiration I find on Instagram. Last week, I discovered Daniella Chinitz's Instagram (danichinitz_fit) through one of PaleoOMG's posts. Best discovery! It was love at first Instagram video.

Daniella Chinitz has t…

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Mindful May Week 3: Spending Quality Time With Your Pet

mindful may flower

Welcome to Week 3 of Mindful May! It's kind of hard to believe we're already half way through the month. Although this weekend is HOT in North Carolina, so that's making it feel like summer already. If you're following along, the focus of this week is a fun one: spending a little undivided quality time with your pet. If you don't have a pet, you can choose any activity that you enjoy doing but want to focus a little more on being present like gardening, cooking, or even eating dinner toget…

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Friday Favorites #19

Happy Friday! This week ended up looking a little different than planned. I was pretty psyched to get some more sleep and to try out a phone-free bedtime routine for Week 2 of Mindful May. Instead I spent the first half of my week curled up in the fetal position and visiting Urgent Care. I did go to bed early, but not in the serene "I'm so mindful" way I envisioned. Since I'm working on mindfulness, I tried to use some meditating to help with nausea. Yeah...I'm not at that point yet. Des…

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