
Friday Favorites #14

Happy Friday! This week is kicking my butt so I'm going to keep this intro short. While I'm feeling a little tired, this week definitely had some highlights and fun new discoveries that made me happy. As always, I'd love to hear about what things made you happy this week in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3

Beer Lab

beer flight at Beer Lab

Beer Lab is definitely going to become a favorite local place that we visit frequently. We were smitten from the moment we walked into this cute new spot in Moores…

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Friday Favorites #13

Happy Friday! I'm STILL stuck in kitchen DIY land, but I'm starting to see a dull light at the end of the tunnel. Any free time has pretty much been devoted to that, so I'm looking forward to the weekend and getting to live my life outside of the kitchen and Lowes/Home Depot. This week Charlotte's weather was special in that it was snowing one day (!) and gorgeous warm weather the next. Always fun to experience all the seasons in one week. Once again I'm stopping by to share some of the th…

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Sweet Potato, Cucumber, Goat Cheese, and Smoked Salmon Stacks

sweet potato cucumber goat cheese and smoked salmon stacks

Today I'm taking a break from working on the kitchen backsplash to bring you my latest snack/meal/appetizer obsession. I'm actually making progress with the whole backsplash situation, and I finally finished putting up the tiles. Hallelujah. All that's left is the grout. Simple! Right? Not really.

Nothing about this project has been simple. Once again the videos online make it seem like grout application is a breeze. But yesterday I spent a whole lot of time in the grout section of Hom…

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Friday Favorites #12

Happy Friday! Sorry I was MIA this week...I've been trapped in backsplash land and I can't get out. If you don't know what I'm talking about, refer back to last week's Friday Favorites when I was blissfully naive about the project that was about to unfold. This week has not been my favorite, but that's all the more reason to focus on the little things that did bring some joy. As always, I would love to hear what things you're loving this week in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3


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Friday Favorites #11

Happy Friday! This week has been BUSY. Typically I like to get a post out early in the week, but I was dealing with other life things and also learning about the world of Pinterest so it got a little quiet around here for a bit. I also was at work late a couple of evenings, so there has been a little extra coffee and not enough sleep this week. Yay for the weekend on the horizon! Because this week has been a little crazy, I'm keeping things somewhat brief. As always, I'm sharing some of…

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How To Get Into Yoga When You're Type-A

8 Tips to embracing taking a deep breath

mermaid pose, yoga

I'm a first born and my parents named me Amelia. In Latin, Amelia means "industrious". Basically, this means that a synonym for my name could be Type-A. I'm only now realizing how appropriate that is given the first letter of my name. All of this to say, I feel like my constant need to be productive and setting goals and difficulty JUST RELAXING was kind of inevitable.

For the most part I've accepted and embraced that. But accepting my person…

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Friday Favorites #10

Happy Friday! Did everyone survive Daylight savings week? Despite 5am on Monday arriving a little too quickly, there has been an influx of new puppies recently at work and that perks me right on up. The rain also stopped for a hot second and we've had some warm days reaching into the 60's. Delightful. Puppies + warm weather - losing an hour on a WEEKEND = still a pretty good week overall. Once again, I'm sharing some of the things that are making me happy this week. As always, I'd love to…

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St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort: Part 3

I'm sharing the final recap of our trip to the St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort here. If you missed the first two posts, check out Part 1 and Part 2.

Wednesday - Day 6

St. Regis Maldives overwater villas

Waking up for our last full day in paradise was a little bittersweet. On one hand it seemed like the days had flown by. But despite that, each day had been full and included the perfect balance of relaxation and adventure. Day 6 followed a similar pattern. We were thrilled to still have some exciting adventures on the ag…

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Pecan Pie Nut Butter with Collagen

pecan pie nut butter

When I made Matt try a spoonful of this nut butter he smiled and his eyes lit up. "You like this?!", he said. At that point, I knew I had a winner. By that he means that this delightful nut butter tastes way too decadent to be healthy. But, it is! And yes, I like this. I love this. On everything, including straight from a spoon. Every time I open the refrigerator.

I try to take collagen almost every day. Now that I'm in my thirties my knees snap crackle and pop every time I squat do…

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Friday Favorites #9

Happy Friday! How was your week? I'm checking in once again to share some of the things that I'm loving or that have made me smile this week. I didn't think I had much to share, but turns out I have a lot to say about tropical fruit and other random things. I'd LOVE to hear what made you happy this week in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3



Google told me that these are also called pawpaws, which made me excited because how adorable is that?! Upon further investigation (go…

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