Friday Favorites #23: ALDI finds, an Amazon Prime Show, and a Burpee Challenge

Happy Friday! Once again I'm stopping by to share some of the things I'm loving this week. As always, I'd love to hear what things made you smile in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3
ALDI's Pineapple Jalapeño Hummus

I spotted this Pineapple Jalapeño hummus at ALDI this week in the little chilled area where they put fun products that are only around for a limited time. You know where I'm talking about? I love that spot, because I'm all about fun new things to try. Pretty sure Matt dislikes that area for the same reason. I get distracted.
Matt's an efficient grocery shopper: in and out, blinders on. I'm an efficient peruser. Yes, I made that up. I move through the store pretty quickly, but I also need to keep an eye out for anything new to try. Otherwise where's the fun in grocery shopping? If I go to a grocery store I don't get to visit frequently like Trader Joes, that's a different story. Nothing about that shopping trip is efficient. Serious question: How do you go into Trader Joes and not look at every single thing they have? So. many. interesting. products.
Pretty sure Matt does not share my enthusiasm for the Costco opening up in our town next month. I hear they have samples so really my introduction to Costco could be a day-long event. I feel like after these past few paragraphs you either totally get me or think it would be a total nightmare grocery shopping with me.

Remember how this was supposed to be about hummus... back to that! The flavor instantly attracted me because ALDI's pineapple jalapeño jelly is the absolute best addition to a cheese board. It's sweet with just a little heat and just overall perfection. This hummus is in that same boat. It has a great pineapple flavor that works with the hummus and just enough heat to make me a little nervous when I get a piece of jalapeño but tolerable. For reference I'm a "mild" salsa eater because I like to not singe my taste buds. The hummus has been an awesome addition to veggie bowls and salads this week and adds an unexpected and unique flavor punch.
GT Synergy Spring Edition Kombucha

This kombucha is everything. You can find it in the same little wonderful section of ALDI as the hummus above (and likely loads of other grocery stores). I love all of the GT Synergy kombucha flavors, but the spring edition "Bloom" is so unique and delightful. It's made with elderflower, jasmine, and violet (and "100% pure love!!!" according to the label). I'm 100% in love with the flavor combo. Definitely give it a try if you see it!

Last weekend's forecast was a whole lot of rain. My plants were happy and I was a little bit antsy. However, that weather did make for a good opportunity for Matt and I to finish Season 1 of Hanna on Amazon Prime. It's a good one!
The show is a little bit sci-fi meets action packed-thriller with a tiny dash of coming of age. Not what I would typically think I'd love, but it kept both Matt and me guessing and intrigued throughout the season. It's about a quiet, bad-ass girl who was raised in a forest in order to hide from the CIA. The show mostly focuses on what happens when she decides to leave the forest and enters the real world trying to figure out her real story. Her character is quirky, independent, lacking certain social skills, and captivating. Definitely worth a watch!
100 Burpee Challenge
Daniella Chinitz's Instagram account continues to deliver awesome workout inspiration. This week: burpees! 100 of them! Last Saturday I started my workout with her 100 Burpee Challenge. It was a fun way to get my heart rate up and my body moving in preparation for the rest of the workout.
There's a chance you might not think burpees and fun go together. BUT after 10 burpees you get to change to a different type of burpee so it flies by and keeps you interested (or at least it kept me interested) the entire time. I get that burpees are a love 'em or hate 'em kind of thing, but I'm pretty sure if you try this you'll at least love the feeling you get at the end. You'll also get a full body strength and cardio workout all in one. Worth it.
What are your favorite ALDI products?
What's a new show on Amazon Prime or Netflix that you're loving?
What's your grocery shopping style?
Burpees: love them or hate them?
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