
Weekly Reflections: Achieve Your Goals and Break Bad Habits Early

achieve your goals and break bad habits early

Are you feeling frustrated that you didn't take advantage of the last couple of months to finally start a fitness routine? Has spending more time at home resulted in constantly snacking in the kitchen? Are your sugar cravings getting out of control? If you started the year feeling invigorated with a list of ambitious goals that have now taken a back seat you're not alone.

Goals bring a fresh start and focus. But then life happens, right? There are too many everyday tasks and distractions an…

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Goal Setting: How to Set Yourself Up For Success

goal setting success

I originally started writing this post at the start of the New Year (how long ago does that feel?!). As a type-A, goal-oriented wellness enthusiasts (and health coach) New Year's Resolutions give me all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings. This year I was excited about the prospect of a fresh start not only in the new year, but a new DECADE.

Fast forward 5 months: not gonna lie, I didn't see this coming. And by "this" I mean the current state of our word. But with dramatic changes …

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How to Survive an Elimination Diet

Elimination diets can seem incredibly daunting. Here are six tips on how to set yourself up for success and survive an elimination diet.

how to survive an elimination diet

1. Focus on what you CAN eat.

As soon as you start to consider doing an elimination diet, it's natural to automatically start focusing on all of the things you won't be able to eat. I'm totally guilty of that. But you know what? That's not super useful.

I could list all of the foods that are staples in my everyday routine that I'm going to miss. And t…

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The Power of Elimination Diets

Elimination diets can be hard. There's no sugar coating it (no pun intended). I know this because I've done them before and I'm about to embark on probably the most restrictive one yet.

Why am I doing an elimination diet when I don't believe in restrictive eating? There are several reasons, but first I'm going to get a little vulnerable and share some of my own health challenges in hopes of helping some of you.

Starting in college, I would get …

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How To Not Eat All The Things When WFH

how to not eat all the things including chocolate cake

1. Do a fridge and pantry makeover to remove the most tempting things that leave you feeling guilty or unsatisfied.

You can do this gradually or go all Marie Kondo in one fell swoop, but removing the items that aren't leaving you feeling joy or satisfied AFTER eating are best eliminated from the kitchen.  If you're upset with yourself after mindlessly consuming a bag of chips or if those packaged cookies just added fuel to the fire-that-is-your-sweet-tooth are those items really worth keepin…

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Charleston Healthy Eats


Today I'm sharing our favorite Charleston healthy eats. One of my favorite things about traveling is getting to try new restaurants and food. I am all about enjoying local indulgences when traveling (we're about to go to Belgium and you better believe there will be beer, chocolate, and waffles involved), but I also like to balance that with healthy and delicious options. I like feeling good while I'm traveling AND once I return home, ya know?

Matt and I make a pretty great team when w…

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Friday Favorites #39

Happy Friday! I hope you all are having a great week with some fun weekend plans ahead. My sister and cousin are visiting this weekend along with their boyfriends, so that makes me beyond happy and excited for an awesome weekend. Once again I'm stopping by to share some of the things that have been making me smile lately. As always, I'd love to hear what things you're loving in the comments! Thanks for stopping by. <3

cute dog costume

I think this photo speaks for itself. You're welcome.

Okayyy, I'll e…

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Pumped Up Pumpkin Workout And Playlist!

pumpkin workout

October abruptly arrived here in North Carolina. One minute it's 90 degrees and everyone's spending their weekends out on the lake, the next minute the temperature drops 40 degrees and BAM - pumpkin spice everywhere. Now we can all transition to warm comfort food, sipping steaming beverages, spending time outside in the crisp fall weather, and having absolutely no idea how to dress appropriately when it's freezing and hot and a little chilly all in the same day slash second. I don't hate i…

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Friday Favorites #38

Pretty flower in Charleston. Photo courtesy of Matt because his phone is better than mine.

Happy Friday! We have (almost) made it to the weekend once again. One thing I'm super excited about? A smidge of fall weather! It has been in the high 90's this week which is a little bit much for October. Got that, North Carolina? This weekend looks like it will dip down into the 70's which sounds like perfection. Once again, I'm stopping by to share some of the things that I'm loving this week. As…

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High Protein Honey Almond Butter

high protein almond butter

You know what would be cool? If we could maybe add some extra hours to the day. Or if sleeping wasn't so darn important. Sleeping is pretty great so I don't want to completely eliminate it, but if we could rest for 3-4 hours and feel totally refreshed that would be fantastic. I've been holding out on you guys and enjoying this high protein almond butter for a while now. I've been looking forward to sharing it, but sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day to get that done. I h…

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