Staying Sane and Grateful This Holiday Season

stay sane this holiday season

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you're having a relaxing day and that you're able to stay connected with the people you care about even if that is from a distance. While Matt and I aren't traveling this year to be with family (who we miss SO much!), I filmed this ahead of time so that I could take the day to really be present and focus on what we're grateful for. Staying present and expressing gratitude are the two things I discuss in today's short video.

2020 has been a challenging and stressful year. And we're about to make a complete 180 as we transition from Thanksgiving to Black Friday and the holiday season. I want to send a reminder to focus on what's truly important this year and to not let the stress of the holidays take over.

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2 Important Things to Focus on During the Holiday Season

1. Stay connected and express gratitude.

Focus on the things you're grateful for instead of getting caught up in holiday obligations and materialism. Choose a long distance friend or family member and stay accountable and connected by committing to share at least one thing you're grateful for with them each day or week.

2. Focus on being present.

This is the perfect time to practice enjoying the moment and truly being present. Today is a great day to start. Put your phone away at dinner and savor a delicious meal. Truly listen and stay engaged when you're having a conversation with someone. Just the presence of a phone at the table decreases the level of enjoyment for all parties involved and causes a distraction. Continue to prioritize moments away from your phone throughout the holiday season.

What's one thing you're grateful for right now?

What are you going to do to stay sane this holiday season?


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