Brain (Stress, Mindset, Happiness)
Why Our Society and Food System Are Messed Up

Our society has a messed up relationship with food and it's setting you up to fail. Let's talk about why you're stuck in this cycle of having low energy, not loving the way you feel in your body, and feeling like the only way out is to have a ton of self-discipline and willpower. Okay? (For the video version, scroll to the end of this post.)
Right now, you are constantly bombarded with two contradicting messages:
- Food is a reward, enjoyment, and how we connect with others. …
How Meditating Changed My Life (Even Though I Hated It)

Don't think meditating is for you? I get you! I was like that for 30+ years. :-) If you're like me, you have either completely dismissed it as something you're not even interested in OR you tried it but "couldn't do it" because your mind was racing.
But it turns out you don't need to have a calm, clear mind to experience the benefits of meditating. In fact, if you're having a tough time clearing your mind, that's a sign meditating is exactly what you need right now! Today I'm sh…
Think I Always Ate Super Healthy? Guess Again!

So many people assume that I’ve always loved eating super healthy and that I could eat whatever I want and still be small. That’s actually not true! I know exactly what it’s like being used to foods like Eggos and Pop Tarts for breakfast, Cheez-its for snacks, and chicken fingers and french fries for dinner out. I also remember the first time I actually started looking at food labels - yikes.
It’s easy to assume that people who look like they effortlessly maintain a healthy life…
10 Minute Dinners When You've Done Zero Prep
One common misconception and excuse I hear a lot is that eating healthy takes more time. Likely that comes from the idea that you have to be spending hours meal prepping in order to turn to healthy options, but that’s totally not true. If meal prepping is something you enjoy, fantastic! But for a lot of my clients, they’re busy and need fast nourishing options to turn to without spending a ton of time in the kitchen. I completely get that!
I’m balancing two careers that I love, but that…
The Simple But Powerful Exercise For Finding Balance: The Circle Of Life

This is a sample lesson from my Game Changer program.
This is a fun little exercise that seems simple, but it’s a hugely helpful tool for looking at how everything in your life is connected and identifying opportunities for decreasing stress and supporting your energy and sanity.
Every time I do this Circle of Life exercise, I go into it thinking that it’s not going to be helpful because I already know what my circle will look like. And every time, there’s something about my circle that …
My Personal Story Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Today I'm going out of my comfort zone and sharing my personal story overcoming limiting beliefs. I'm going to let the video mostly speak for itself. The main message I hope you get out of this is if you currently feel dissatisfied or stuck with where you are in life right now - don't give up. The life that you're dreaming about is probably a lot more attainable than you're letting yourself think. We have one life to live - make sure you're not living with regrets!
The Secret To Getting The Body You Want For Good

Hello! Today I'm sharing the secret to your success. If you want to finally have the body that you've wanted, feel great, and be able to maintain those results long term I'm telling you how to do that today. It all boils down to the Life Boost Trifecta. These are the three pillars you to need to address to get the results you want while feeling happy and being able to maintain the results long term. When you are able to find the balance between all of these, it's smooth sailing towards…
The Single Most Important (And Easy) Swap To Achieve The Body You Want

How does this sound? Eat as much food as you want, feel totally satisfied, feel confident and comfortable in your body, and achieve the results you want. Too good to be true? Not at all. It's absolutely possible! There's just one small catch, you need (get) to eat real (delicious) food instead of the fake stuff. Today I'm sharing a study that demonstrates the dramatic impact swapping out highly processed food for more nourishing real food will have on your overall health and goals.
…How To Make Your Resolutions Actually Happen

Happy New Year! We made it! Sayonara, 2020. Helloooo, 2021 - you beautiful opportunity for a fresh start. I love the feeling of a new year. It's the perfect time to take a moment to reflect on the past year, where you are, and where you want to be. I want this to be the year you make your goals a reality. That's the topic of today's video!
What successes did you have in 2020?
Before diving into goals for the new year, think about what things went well in …
Find Joy, Be Present, and Savor a Delicious Cookie

Happy Holidays! In today's video I'm chatting about making an effort to find joy, enjoy the present moment, and how cookies can be a nourishing part of your diet.
Being Present and Finding Joy In The Moment
As we head into 2021, I want you to take a moment to think about how much time you spend either thinking about the past or the future. It's pretty rare that we focus on the present moment. Instead we'e often looking ahead at what we need to get done…