
Brain (Stress, Mindset, Happiness)

Why The Norm Is To Be Sick, Overweight, And/Or Unhappy


I’ve spent a lot of time asking, “If being healthy is supposed to feel good, why is the norm in our society to be sick, overweight, and/or unhappy?”. I’ve talked about the 3 Wellness Levels, but there's more to the story. Let's dive deeper into the real WHY…

When you think of things you should do to be more healthy, what comes to mind? 

How does your body react? Is there a sense of “woohoo, I can’t wait to get started!” or a feeling of impending doom as if a vacation is about to end?

If you’r…

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The Three Levels Of Your Wellness Journey


The health and diet industries are drooling with the New Year.

You're about to be bombarded with messages pressuring you to detox, diet, and workout to the extreme. It's perpetuating a vicious cycle that's preventing you from truly achieving what you want: a healthy lifestyle that feels effortless.

When it comes to making healthy changes, there are 3 levels that we need to talk about.

Most people stay stuck between 1 and 2…their ENTIRE life. That sucks, because Level 3 is truly amazing. I kno…

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Friday Favorites: Wellness Gifts Edition


Giving is a tremendous way to foster connection and boost your own health and happiness. Why not continue the positive momentum by giving a gift that will bring health and happiness to the recipient, as well?! 

For this month's Friday Favorites, I'm sharing some of my favorite things that make wonderful gifts for you or someone you care about any time of year. I've prioritized businesses with meaningful missions and high standards and gifts ideas for every price point. All done shopping? These …

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What Are Your Life Jackets?


This week, one of my clients shared with me that in old Japanese, December is called the “Running Month”. She explained that there are two interpretations:

  1. It’s a busy month of running around before the New Year
  2. It’s goes by quickly (like running)

So true, isn’t it?!

She shared this at a perfect time - a morning when I already had a lot on my mind. December has just started and already I’m guilty of getting caught up in all the things I “need” to do for the holidays, end of the year dead…

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7 Tips For A Happy and Healthy Holiday Season


Ah, the holidays. Such a magical time of year! Or, is it? The holidays can be a time of joy, celebration, connection, and comfort. They can also be a logistical nightmare. 

Juggling the holidays on top of everyday life can feel like a lot. The added stress of a full calendar, constant temptations, extra expenses, navigating family, making the most of vacation time, and trying to stay cheerful and merry while DOING IT ALL can be overwhelming. Here are 7 tips to help you stay healthy and sane thi…

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What You Really Need To Know About Fat


If dietary fat had a theme song it would start out, “Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down…” Just like the Fresh Prince, dietary fat had an incident of getting into trouble with “a couple of guys (saturated fat and cholesterol) who were up to no good” leading to an over-reaction that impacted dietary fat’s reputation for the past 40 years. Notably, we never heard the story about what caused those “couple of guys” to be causing trouble in the first place. They w…

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Completing The Stress Cycle

Completing the Stress Response

 How is your stress management? There's a good chance that even if you think you're managing stress, you're not actually allowing your body to completely recover. Do you tend to get sick at the start of a vacation or have you noticed your fuse is shorter than normal lately? Feeling exhausted? Having trouble sleeping? Let's make sure you're giving your body a chance to complete the stress response frequently. 


Stress Used To Be My Default Setting

Lately, I’ve been feeling more stress. Lots…

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The Veterinary Profession Is Struggling: What Pet Owners Can Do To Help

Amelia Jameson2

As a health coach (for humans) and veterinarian, the well-being of both you and your pet are my top priority. That's why I need to give you a heads up about what's going on in the veterinary profession right now. To put it bluntly, the veterinary industry is really struggling and overwhelmed right now.

I'm not sending this message to be an alarmist, I'm sending it to spark change and hope. I want to raise awareness and to let you know what you can do to be proactive in order to keep your pe…

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Micro-stressors: The Silent Stress Majorly Impacting Your Mental Health

I want you to love the way that you look and feel and to finally get the results that you want and that you deserve. That is why we are tackling stress today! Specifically, a sneaky kind of stress called micro-stress.

Stress is probably one of the factors preventing you from getting the results that you want. When you're stressed it's easy to feel like you don't have any extra time or energy in order to fit in a workout or to make healthy, nourishing food options. On top of that, st…

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Why You Don't Need More Discipline and Willpower

discipline and willpower

I continue to hear a lack of discipline and willpower as the excuse for why people aren't able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here's the thing: You're not going to magically wake up one day with this new-found discipline and willpower. The good news is, you don't need to! That's not what you need to have a healthy lifestyle. It sounds pretty miserable if you have to resist everything you love in order to be healthy. That's not healthy!

Here's what you actually need instead of disc…

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