
How To Make Your Resolutions Actually Happen

how to make resolutions actually happen

Happy New Year! We made it! Sayonara, 2020. Helloooo, 2021 - you beautiful opportunity for a fresh start. I love the feeling of a new year. It's the perfect time to take a moment to reflect on the past year, where you are, and where you want to be. I want this to be the year you make your goals a reality. That's the topic of today's video!

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What successes did you have in 2020?

Before diving into goals for the new year, think about what things went well in …

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Find Joy, Be Present, and Savor a Delicious Cookie

Happy Holidays! In today's video I'm chatting about making an effort to find joy, enjoy the present moment, and how cookies can be a nourishing part of your diet.

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Being Present and Finding Joy In The Moment

As we head into 2021, I want you to take a moment to think about how much time you spend either thinking about the past or the future. It's pretty rare that we focus on the present moment. Instead we'e often looking ahead at what we need to get done…

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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Overcoming limiting beliefs

The number one thing to do if you want to start realizing your full potential and optimizing your health, happiness, and success is to focus on your mindset. The way we look at ourselves and our goals has an enormous influence on our ultimate success. When you start realizing just how much control your mind has over your actions (instead of feeling like you're just along for the ride), you can start harnessing that to your advantage to realize your full potential.

One of the boo…

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The Top 2 Reasons You're Not Getting Sustainable Results

the top reasons you're not getting sustainable results

Do you wish you lived a healthier lifestyle but every time you try to make changes it never sticks? If you're stuck in a trap of yo-yo dieting or you can never seem to stick to a workout routine, today's video is for you. I'm sharing the top two reasons I see preventing people from getting sustainable results. Once you identify what's holding you back you can start making small changes to finally achieve lasting results!

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The Top Two Reasons You're Not Getting Su…

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Why It's Not About Calories

it's not about calories

You know when people say "a calorie is a calorie"? Don't listen to them! The concept that 2,000 calories per day is 2,000 calories per day and - it doesn't matter what type of food makes up those calories - it will all have the same affect on your weight, is completely misguided. Can you tell this topic gets me all fired up? I explain why it's not all about calories in today's video.

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What is a calorie?

The "calorie" on a food label is really referring …

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This Mistake Is Hurting Your Health, Happiness, and Success

Hi there! I'm here with some tough love today. That's because I want you to stop making this very common mistake so that you can truly start optimizing your health, happiness, and success.

The most common reason I hear for not sticking with healthy habits is that life got stressful and busy. And I get it! It's much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle when you have time affluence. When you're not busy, you can plan out your meals and spend lots of time in the kitchen. You can …

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You're Probably Consuming Way More Sugar Than You Think

you're consuming way more sugar than you think

Let's talk about sugar and how it's hidden EVERYWHERE. If you're not checking food labels and you eat any kind of packaged food, there's a very good chance you're exceeding the maximum limit of daily sugar without even realizing it. The craziest part is you can easily do that without even consuming food you would think of as a treat or dessert.

This is one topic I both love and hate. I love this topic because when I help my clients start making swaps to decrease the amount of su…

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Sundays for Success

Do you suffer from the Sunday Blues?

Why is it that on Friday night you see an entire weekend ahead of you and then you blink and it’s Sunday night? You wonder where the weekend evaporated and the dread of going back to the grind sets in.

Today I want to transform Sundays from a place of sadness to success!

Sundays are an opportunity for a fresh start and there are several quick things you can incorporate into your day to set you up for a successful w…

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Staying Sane and Grateful This Holiday Season

stay sane this holiday season

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you're having a relaxing day and that you're able to stay connected with the people you care about even if that is from a distance. While Matt and I aren't traveling this year to be with family (who we miss SO much!), I filmed this ahead of time so that I could take the day to really be present and focus on what we're grateful for. Staying present and expressing gratitude are the two things I discuss in today's short video.

2020 has been a challen…

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How To Stop Making Excuses and Start Working Out

Do you want to get into a fitness routine but it just hasn't happened? You're not alone! Especially this year with the challenges of COVID, I'm hearing a lot of reasons why people aren't working out. While I understand it can be overwhelming to get started, you are going to feel SO much better in your body and mind when you stop making excuses and get started. Today I'm addressing the top 4 excuses I hear and how to overcome those.

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4 Reasons You're Not Working O…

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