Friday Favorites #34: Clothes and Cake!

Happy Friday! Wow, this has been a crazy and exhausting week. After work on Monday, I flew to Las Vegas for an amazing continuing education course. It was a great experience, but packed days from 6:30 am-8:30 pm. This was not your typical Vegas trip...I learned a lot, was (mostly) sober, and didn’t lose any money. How boring. :-) If you’re reading this …
Friday Favorites #33: Lime Juice Recipes, A Gift Idea, and More

Happy Friday! How's your week going? I got a few runs in this week, and that put me in a super good mood. I missed my running shoes! Last weekend was very low key, which was exactly what I needed. I didn't end up tackling my garden, and some of my basil seems to be making a comeback so I left it alone. But I did make it to Costco! FYI: I've started sharing healthy finds from Costco on my Instastories, and I've saved them under highlights as a reference. Once again, I'm sharing some of my…
Friday Favorites #32: Stress Relief and Hope
Happy Friday! How is your week going? August has been BUSY, so I'm pretty excited for a low-key relaxing weekend at home (after I work on Saturday). I'm planning on a Costco trip, planting new basil because all of my thriving basil suddenly crashed and burned, weeding, and organizing our closet. Pretty exciting stuff! Actually, I'm excited for Costco. I'm also going to try to start sharing more things on Instastories, so I'll probably share some of the healthy finds while I browse. If Mat…
Friday Favorites #31: Maine Edition

Happy Friday! This week flew by thanks to an extended weekend in Maine. That was definitely the highlight of my week and is going to dominate this week's Friday Favorites. This week is a whirlwind, because I'm flying back out tonight for another fun trip to NY to visit with my high school girlfriends. We're scattered all over the place, so it's an incredible treat when we're all able to be together for a weekend. Can't wait!! What things are you loving this week?
Visiting with Family…
Friday Favorites #30: Dry Needling, Chocolate Finds, and More

Happy Friday! I hope you have had an amazing week. It's August. Woah. Slow down, summer... This week has been pretty good with the anticipation of some fun trips I have planned this month, finally feeling an improvement in my hip thanks to dry needling (see below), and an influx of kittens at work. Kitten season seems to be in full fledge and these cuties are popping up everywhere needing a home. Would you like one?! Once again I'm sharing some of my favorite things from the week. As alw…
Friday Favorites #29: A Green Smoothie and Other Delicious Treats
Happy Friday! I hope your week is going well. The temps cooled off a little this week, and we've had a break in the humidity which has been pretty refreshing and delightful. In case you missed it, earlier this week I shared the recipe for my plant based queso dip. I'm loving that on everything. For real, I'm eating it right now. Once again I'm stopping by to share some of the things I'm loving this week. Tell me what things made you smile this week in the comments!
Green Smoothie Creatio…
Friday Favorites #28: Flowers For Goodness Sake
Happy Friday! Thank goodness the weekend is almost here. This was not the most relaxing or cheerful week. It was one of those tough weeks in veterinary medicine when I had to deliver a lot of sad news at work. Some days being a vet is emotionally draining. Thankfully there were some sweet puppies and great coworkers in the mix.
Jameson also had his surgery this week. He has been such a champ and is doing well. Playing the role of pet owner versus veterinarian felt weird, but it was al…
Friday Favorites #27: Home Yoga Practices and more
Happy Friday! Can we all take a moment to talk about how it's the middle of July. How did that happen? The weather in Charlotte definitely feels like summer so we actually have spent some time at our neighborhood pool this week. I usually have a hard time going to the pool just to relax, because I can think of a million things I want to do at home. But I had finished updating our half bathroom and Matt was craving some pool time. The half bath makeover is definitely my favorite thing from t…
Friday Favorites #26: Magic Hair Products + Costco

Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July. This entire week I have been totally confused about what day it is. Typically I have Tuesdays off but I had Monday off of work instead. Wednesday felt like a Friday because it was all kinds of crazy at work per usual for a veterinary clinic the day before a holiday. Thankfully it truly is Friday, and the weekend is almost here! Once again I'm stopping by to share some of my favorite things from the week. As always, I'd love to h…
Friday Favorites #25
Happy Friday! How's your week going? Things have been busy here, but really aren't they always... This week I've been doing a ton of recipe testing while also renovating our half bathroom. I like to do all the things. If I can get my act together this weekend to take some photos I might actually have some recipes to share soon! We shall see... I love experimenting in the kitchen. Photography...not so much. It's not my strong suit (obviously). As always, I'm stopping to share some of my …