

The Ultimate ALDI Whole30 Shopping Guide

Here it is! As promised, I've put together an ALDI Whole30 shopping guide complete with a printable list you can take with you to the grocery store at the end of this post. While I've tried to be very careful to include only products that are consistently Whole30-compliant, I do recommend glancing at the ingredient lists just to be safe. Or you can be a rebel. For example, I didn't include sunflower seeds because the type of oil they use seems to change every few months, and I'm trying to…

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Amelia's Amazeballs

No-bake Sunflower Raisin Energy Balls

If I could insert the crying laughing emoji after this title, I would. I know the name is ridiculous, but I like alliteration and I couldn't help myself. I'm going to try to refrain from TWSS comments for this series, but I'm married to a man who can quote pretty much every episode from The Office so I can't make any promises.

I like to call these energy balls, because I make them for days at work when I know my coworkers and I are going to be on t…

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