How To Know What Healthy Food Is Right For You
Are egg yolks packed with goodness or a no-go?
Is fruit super nourishing or too much sugar?
Are beans anti-nutrient or the best thing ever?
What's the deal with coconut oil?
The reality is that there's an overwhelming number of confusing, misguided, and contradictory health recommendations out there.
There's a much simpler way: embrace your inner researcher and to start paying attention to how your food is making you feel.
You can read all the studies and health advice that you want, bu…
A Broccoli Magic Trick: Using Mustard Seed Powder For Maximum Sulfurophane Super Powers
Fun fact: Adding one little ingredient to your broccoli majorly increases the super powers you'll get!
Two things near and dear to my heart: veggies and science. Today we're combining those. ❤️
I have big plans of being the 100 year old lady who is still having dance parties, going for hikes, and carrying all my groceries without help, which means I need to be setting myself up for success and being kind to my body now instead of the "no pain no gain", "I'm way to busy to slow down even though…
What Are Your Food Cravings Telling You? Break Free From White Knuckling and "Being Good" With This Exercise
Your relationship with food is a direct reflection of the relationship with yourself.
Even deeper, it's a window into your unconscious habits, beliefs, and deepest desires (including the ones you may not have allowed yourself to be honest about or to explore).
If you’re restricting, judging, or totally ignoring your relationship with food, you are missing a huge opportunity to learn more about yourself and what you need to live a life that adds pleasure, energy, and fulfillment instead of dra…
Ep 55 | My PSA: Why Semaglutides Aren't A Weight Loss Miracle Drug + Why Our Healthcare System and Guidelines Are Failing Us
Hey, life boosters. This is Dr. Amelia health and life coach and veterinarian here to help you ditch the Yo-Yo dieting, people pleasing, and perfectionism by breaking the norm and living a life that energizes you from within.
All right, so the episode today is a topic that I am so passionate about. This is going to be a conversation about why we really need to be breaking the norm. It is also a public service announcement. This was motivated by a newer weight loss drug ca…
How To Keep Eating Healthy Even When Life Gets Busy and Stressful (Easy 5 Minute Lunch Idea Included!)
Easy, healthy, and delicious is my jam.
I like yummy food that leaves me feeling strong, satisfied, lean, and energized throughout the day. Really, who doesn’t?
When my life gets stressful and busy, I keep eating the same nourishing food I always eat because it’s quick and doable for my lifestyle.
If your healthy habits tend to disappear when life gets busy (or you’re putting off eating “better” until you have more time), that tells me that at least one of these is true:
- You have a …
Why I Stopped Drinking Without Intending To Stop Drinking
Today I thought I'd share why I stopped drinking without intending to stop drinking…
Note: I haven’t labeled myself as someone who “doesn’t drink” (why create that box?). I just always choose not to.
Backstory: Alcohol used to be a big part of my life. Not in an overly reliant way, but it was one of my favorite ways to do something fun. I loved hanging out a brewery enjoying a delicious IPA while laughing with friends, I’ve enjoyed wine tastings throughout the world and love the feeling of ha…
Fall Friday Favorites
It’s November! Living in North Carolina has helped me to really embrace the changing seasons. I love that the weather gets chilly without lasting forever. Right now, the weather has been absolutely perfect for hiking. Most Sundays, Matt and I have been starting the day hiking on some of the nearby trails by our house. Walking through the woods right along the water is such a rejuvenating way to start the day and recharge from the week. I hope wherever you are, you’re enjoying the fall vibes!
The Potato Magic Trick
I want to get you excited about food. I don’t mean the rampant love for french fries, anything cheese, and sweets like cake, ice cream, and all the “good stuff”. I mean the REAL good stuff. The food that’s nutrient-packed, delicious, and that will do amazingly beneficial things for your body.
I love “healthy food”. I love the way it tastes, the way it makes me feel physically and mentally, and I even love the colors. You may not be at this level when it comes to your relationship with he…
3 Things Missing From Intermittent Fasting Studies

There's no shortage of studies or headlines proclaiming the benefits of intermittent fasting. A quick Google search will leave you believing that's absolutely the answer to all your health woes. While there are absolutely appealing potential benefits of IF, there's still a lot we need to learn. Today we're talking about 3 things that I wish were addressed more with the studies being done on intermittent fasting (IF). (For the video version, skip to the end!)
1. Happiness levels
…Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You?

It's time to tackle intermittent fasting (IF). I know you've been eyeing it in all of it's appealing glory. Google says you can lose weight, burn fat, cure cancer, and live forever (among a laundry list of other amazing things). The best part? You don't even have to change what you're eating! I completely understand the appeal. But is intermittent fasting really the key to getting you the sustainable results you want? That's what I'm going to help you decide today.
This is the f…