
Healthy Living

Feel bad saying "no"? Signs You're In Survival Mode + How To Get Out


If you tend to say “yes” to things (because you feel bad saying “no” and like helping out) even though it makes you feel overwhelmed or resentful, this may surprise you…

That’s a sign of the “fawn” trauma response (aka you’re stuck in survival mode)!

A trauma response happens any time you encounter more stress than you can process in the moment. Soooo really everyone can relate to at least one of the 4 F’s (fight, flight, freeze, or fawn).

Basically, your brain has decided that the fawn respo…

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How To Keep Eating Healthy Even When Life Gets Busy and Stressful (Easy 5 Minute Lunch Idea Included!)


Easy, healthy, and delicious is my jam.

I like yummy food that leaves me feeling strong, satisfied, lean, and energized throughout the day. Really, who doesn’t?

When my life gets stressful and busy, I keep eating the same nourishing food I always eat because it’s quick and doable for my lifestyle. 

If your healthy habits tend to disappear when life gets busy (or you’re putting off eating “better” until you have more time), that tells me that at least one of these is true:

  1. You have a …

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Why I Stopped Drinking Without Intending To Stop Drinking


Today I thought I'd share why I stopped drinking without intending to stop drinking…

Note: I haven’t labeled myself as someone who “doesn’t drink” (why create that box?). I just always choose not to. 

Backstory: Alcohol used to be a big part of my life. Not in an overly reliant way, but it was one of my favorite ways to do something fun. I loved hanging out a brewery enjoying a delicious IPA while laughing with friends, I’ve enjoyed wine tastings throughout the world and love the feeling of ha…

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What Is Integrative Change Work?


One of the techniques I use in my coaching is integrative change work. If you see “integrative change work” and think “🤷‍♀️🤔....?”, that was totally my reaction before becoming certified. It’s not a term you hear every day…although it should be! Just like how we’re going to look back in 10 years and be very embarrassed by how much we ignored gut health, this is going to become VERY popular in the future. 

Have you ever watched a movie that is so well done that by the end you feel like it has …

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The Life Boost Principles


I frequently used to wish that I could just escape from my brain.

I was exhausted - from a job that made me feel empty by the end of the day, from trying to keep up with a never-ending to-do list, from being anxious even when I didn’t know what was making me anxious which made me even more anxious, and from trying so hard and yet always feeling behind.

Yet the moment I would try to relax, my brain would get louder with thoughts like:

  • "You don't have time for this"
  • "Oh, you never scheduled …

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The Life Boost (LB) Approach


I’ve spent a lot of time asking, “If being healthy is supposed to feel good, why is the norm in our society to be sick, overweight, and/or unhappy?”.

You can learn more about the answer to that question here:

That leads to the next question, "what are the key components to being healthy in a way that feels good and IS sustainable?"

There are so many factors that impact the way you feel ph…

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Why The Norm Is To Be Sick, Overweight, And/Or Unhappy


I’ve spent a lot of time asking, “If being healthy is supposed to feel good, why is the norm in our society to be sick, overweight, and/or unhappy?”. I’ve talked about the 3 Wellness Levels, but there's more to the story. Let's dive deeper into the real WHY…

When you think of things you should do to be more healthy, what comes to mind? 

How does your body react? Is there a sense of “woohoo, I can’t wait to get started!” or a feeling of impending doom as if a vacation is about to end?

If you’r…

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The Three Levels Of Your Wellness Journey


The health and diet industries are drooling with the New Year.

You're about to be bombarded with messages pressuring you to detox, diet, and workout to the extreme. It's perpetuating a vicious cycle that's preventing you from truly achieving what you want: a healthy lifestyle that feels effortless.

When it comes to making healthy changes, there are 3 levels that we need to talk about.

Most people stay stuck between 1 and 2…their ENTIRE life. That sucks, because Level 3 is truly amazing. I kno…

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Friday Favorites: Wellness Gifts Edition


Giving is a tremendous way to foster connection and boost your own health and happiness. Why not continue the positive momentum by giving a gift that will bring health and happiness to the recipient, as well?! 

For this month's Friday Favorites, I'm sharing some of my favorite things that make wonderful gifts for you or someone you care about any time of year. I've prioritized businesses with meaningful missions and high standards and gifts ideas for every price point. All done shopping? These …

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What Are Your Life Jackets?


This week, one of my clients shared with me that in old Japanese, December is called the “Running Month”. She explained that there are two interpretations:

  1. It’s a busy month of running around before the New Year
  2. It’s goes by quickly (like running)

So true, isn’t it?!

She shared this at a perfect time - a morning when I already had a lot on my mind. December has just started and already I’m guilty of getting caught up in all the things I “need” to do for the holidays, end of the year dead…

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