
Healthy Living

How To Know What Healthy Food Is Right For You


Are egg yolks packed with goodness or a no-go?

Is fruit super nourishing or too much sugar?

Are beans anti-nutrient or the best thing ever? 

What's the deal with coconut oil?

The reality is that there's an overwhelming number of confusing, misguided, and contradictory health recommendations out there. 

There's a much simpler way: embrace your inner researcher and to start paying attention to how your food is making you feel

You can read all the studies and health advice that you want, bu…

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A Broccoli Magic Trick: Using Mustard Seed Powder For Maximum Sulfurophane Super Powers


Fun fact: Adding one little ingredient to your broccoli majorly increases the super powers you'll get!

Two things near and dear to my heart: veggies and science. Today we're combining those. ❤️

I have big plans of being the 100 year old lady who is still having dance parties, going for hikes, and carrying all my groceries without help, which means I need to be setting myself up for success and being kind to my body now instead of the "no pain no gain", "I'm way to busy to slow down even though…

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Break The Norm, Be A Unicorn: Creating Positive Change in Vet Med and Our World


If you’re not cool with the current state of vet med or our world, hi and same. 💗

That’s why I’m all about breaking the norm and being “a unicorn”.

What's a "unicorn"?

A unicorn is someone (or something - like a vet hospital) that’s breaking the norm and leading by example to be the positive change we need in this world.

The norm is to be unhappy and unhealthy. People notice unicorns because they have a different energy and use challenges as opportunities for growth + change.

I love a good …

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Ep. 70 | Human Design and Living Life Without Regrets with Guest Yvonne Chung

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In this episode, I have a conversation with guest, Yvonne Chung, about the ingredients to live life without regret and how human design can be a valuable tool for increasing self-awareness and living life in a way that increases energy, pleasure, and fulfillment in your life instead of draining it.

Yvonne is a certified coach, self-love mentor, dream architect, and human design guide whose work lies at the intersection …

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Ep. 69 | Game Changer Sneak Peak: The Three Wellness Levels


This episode shares one of the audio lessons from the Game Changer program.

I spent a lot of time trying to solve this puzzle:

If being healthy is supposed to make us feel good, why are so many people avoiding or exhausted trying to get healthy? Why is it so hard?

This is what I’ve realized:

There are 3 levels when it comes to a wellness journey, yet our society makes it seem like there are only two. Level 1 (I’ll Do It…Tomorrow) and 2 (The Bandwagon) are both unappealing and uncomfor…

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Podcast Episode 68 | Recovering From Burnout with Guest Dr. Stacey Cordivano - The Whole Veterinarian

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In this episode, Dr. Stacey Cordivano shares her story of experiencing and recovering from burnout. As a solo ambulatory equine veterinarian and mom with two kids under the age of 3, she knew something had to change when she found herself driving to the hospital to have her appendix out after cooking Thanksgiving dinner.  Just a couple of months earlier, she had been diagnosed with Lyme disease and experienced the emotional tr…

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Ep. 67 | Life Updates: 2023 Review, Rabbit Holes like the Polyvagal Theory, and When Scary, Unexpected Things Lead To Exciting New Chapters

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Hi, beautiful friend. It is good to be back. It has been a little while since I last did a podcast, I was looking back and I'm recording this in February. And my last podcast episode was in October. So. Time flies. And I did not intend to take that long of a break. But in some ways, it actually has been intentional. I have been more intentional with the way that I am choosing to spend my time. And. One of those. One of the things I've learned is that. Sometimes you cannot do al…

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Ep. 56: How To Not Want "Bad" Food


Podcast transcript:

Hey Life Boosters! This is Dr. Amelia, health and life coach and recovered burnt out veterinarian, here to help you ditch the yo-yo dieting, people pleasing, and perfectionism by breaking the norm and living a life that energizes you from within. 

Today, we are going to talk about how to not want junk food. Like, how would that make your life different? If you truly just didn't want the donuts when you saw them? Or you just didn't want the pizza. Insert whatev…

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Don't like slowing down? Signs of the flight trauma response and how to get out


If you have perfectionist tendencies and you’re the kind of high achieving person who usually chooses checking one more thing off your to-do list over rest, this might surprise you…

That’s a sign of the “flight” trauma response (aka you’re stuck in survival mode)!

A trauma response happens any time you encounter more stress than you can process in the moment. Since life has a lot of stressors and the norm is to keep them all bottled up, everyone can relate to at least one of the 4 (flight, fig…

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Feeling lazy? Signs you're in survival mode and how to get out.


If you feel like you’re lazy and the idea of spending hours on end watching tv or playing video games, eating comfort food, and not having to interact with a single human sounds like the best thing ever, this may surprise you…

That’s a sign of the “freeze” trauma response (aka you’re stuck in survival mode)!

A trauma response happens any time you encounter more stress than you can process in the moment. Soooo really everyone can relate to at least one of the 4 F’s - flight, fight, fawn, or fre…

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