Podcast Episode 68 | Recovering From Burnout with Guest Dr. Stacey Cordivano - The Whole Veterinarian

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In this episode, Dr. Stacey Cordivano shares her story of experiencing and recovering from burnout. As a solo ambulatory equine veterinarian and mom with two kids under the age of 3, she knew something had to change when she found herself driving to the hospital to have her appendix out after cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Just a couple of months earlier, she had been diagnosed with Lyme disease and experienced the emotional trauma of needing to wean her second child from nursing early. Despite making some changes, a year later she found herself asking, "What am I doing? Am I really making a difference?". That's when she started to discover personal development podcasts which introduced her to a whole new world that helped her start her journey of recovering from burnout.
Now, in addition to being a practice owner, equine vet, and mother, she is the host of the podcast, The Whole Veterinarian, where she has conversations with out-of-the-box thinkers who share new ideas on ways veterinarians can add more joy to their life to feel whole again. In this episode, she shares tips that have helped her to recover from burnout and she shares her perspective as a practice owner for what helps to create a "unicorn veterinary hospital" - a hospital where employees feel lucky to work at their practice because they're supported, respected, and valued so that they can provide veterinary care in a way that feels good and still have energy left at the end of the day to be a human outside of vet med.
Stacey is such a cool person, and I know you're going to get so much out of this conversation!
Here are ways you can connect with Stacey:
Instagram: @Thewholeveterinarian
Resources mentioned in the show:
Free Beat The Burnout series for veterinarians
The 3 Month Game Changer Program to shift out of survival mode and regain your energy and sanity in just 10-15 minutes per day
The 6 Month Mentorship program to unleash your most confident, healthy, energized self in a way that feels like a breath of fresh air
Send me an email at amelia@lifeboost.today to participate in the workplace well-being assessment or if you think that your veterinary hospital qualifies as a "unicorn"
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