
Healthy Living

How To Get Into Yoga When You're Type-A

8 Tips to embracing taking a deep breath

mermaid pose, yoga

I'm a first born and my parents named me Amelia. In Latin, Amelia means "industrious". Basically, this means that a synonym for my name could be Type-A. I'm only now realizing how appropriate that is given the first letter of my name. All of this to say, I feel like my constant need to be productive and setting goals and difficulty JUST RELAXING was kind of inevitable.

For the most part I've accepted and embraced that. But accepting my person…

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Pecan Pie Nut Butter with Collagen

pecan pie nut butter

When I made Matt try a spoonful of this nut butter he smiled and his eyes lit up. "You like this?!", he said. At that point, I knew I had a winner. By that he means that this delightful nut butter tastes way too decadent to be healthy. But, it is! And yes, I like this. I love this. On everything, including straight from a spoon. Every time I open the refrigerator.

I try to take collagen almost every day. Now that I'm in my thirties my knees snap crackle and pop every time I squat do…

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Friday Favorites #9

Happy Friday! How was your week? I'm checking in once again to share some of the things that I'm loving or that have made me smile this week. I didn't think I had much to share, but turns out I have a lot to say about tropical fruit and other random things. I'd LOVE to hear what made you happy this week in the comments. Thanks for stopping by. <3



Google told me that these are also called pawpaws, which made me excited because how adorable is that?! Upon further investigation (go…

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Our Trip to the St. Regis Maldives Vommuli Resort: Part 1

I originally wrote these entries as a personal journal so that Matt and I could remember the details of our days in the Maldives. I decided to share these because of the interest in seeing more photos from our trip. I have also added some notes for anyone considering traveling to the Maldives. Overall, we couldn't have been more satisfied with our stay at the St. Regis. I'll be breaking our stay at the resort into three parts. I also may add a post about traveling to and from the Maldives,…

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The 2 key principles that finally helped me understand and master glute activation

st regis maldives - the 2 key principles to understand and master glute activation

I want to preface this post by stating that I am not a certified personal trainer nor a physical therapist.  My goal with this post is to simply share what concepts (after spending a lot of time, money, and hours researching) allowed me to have some "light-bulb" moments and finally understand how to master glute activation. If you're experiencing any pain or muscle imbalances, I highly recommend consulting with your doctor and a physical therapist first.  


My battle with running injurie…

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Friday Favorites #7

view of the water outside of our over the water villa in st regis maldives

Happy Friday! I hope you all have had an amazing week. I'm once again typing this from 32,000 feet up in the air. We are on our way home from an amazing week in the Maldives. I think this will officially be the longest Friday of my life. Due to the time change and flights we will be living in "Friday" for something like 32 hours. No complaints, but it's a weird state of having no idea what time it really is or when we should be sleeping/eating. The good news is it gives me some time to…

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Friday Favorites #6

Maldives from the plane

Happy Friday! I'm currently sitting in a lounge in Malé sipping a vanilla bourbon iced tea waiting for our fourth and final flight. We will be taking a sea plane to get to the St. Regis resort in the Maldives where we will be spending the next seven days. As I was sitting here, I realized that tomorrow is already Friday (and time for a Friday Favorites). We left on Tuesday and have been living in a haze of airport lounges and incredible flights unsure what time or day it is until now.

Vanilla bourbon iced tea in Maldives St. Regis lounge

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Not your average breakfasts: Quick, Healthy, and Veggie Packed Breakfast Ideas to fuel Your Day

Today, I'm giving you a glimpse of my breakfasts. They're weird. Or let's call them "non-traditional". I'm a big believer in starting my day with a veggie packed and nutrient dense breakfast. I don't know who decided that sugary and carb heavy breakfasts were going to be the first meal of the day, but they weren't setting us up for success. So many of the traditional breakfast foods set our energy levels up to crash and burn soon after eating. I'm thinking there's probably a better way to s…

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Friday Favorites #4

Happy Friday! It's that time of the week when I share a few of the things that are making me smile. As always, I'd love to hear what you're currently loving in the comments. <3

Alexia Clark workouts

Photo from Alexia Clark website

*Love* Alexia Clark's workout program. I have been following her workouts for over a year, and I still look forward to her workouts every morning. No workout is ever repeated, so I never get bored.

If you aren't familiar with her, for a super reasonable monthly…

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Amelia's Amazeballs: No-Bake Fig Newton Energy Balls

I’m sitting on a plane flying back home after a short trip to Maine feeling refreshed for a new week as I type this post.  I absolutely love my life in North Carolina, but I do miss being close to family.  Last week involved a lot of sad and challenging cases at work, but after a weekend of playing with my sister’s new puppy, Arlo, and family I’m starting the week back with a full heart.  Now, instead of balls for days on my iPhone, I have photos of Arlo for days.  But don’t you worry – I have …

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