
Brain (Stress, Mindset, Happiness)

How To Keep Eating Healthy Even When Life Gets Busy and Stressful (Easy 5 Minute Lunch Idea Included!)


Easy, healthy, and delicious is my jam.

I like yummy food that leaves me feeling strong, satisfied, lean, and energized throughout the day. Really, who doesn’t?

When my life gets stressful and busy, I keep eating the same nourishing food I always eat because it’s quick and doable for my lifestyle. 

If your healthy habits tend to disappear when life gets busy (or you’re putting off eating “better” until you have more time), that tells me that at least one of these is true:

  1. You have a …

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Why I Stopped Drinking Without Intending To Stop Drinking


Today I thought I'd share why I stopped drinking without intending to stop drinking…

Note: I haven’t labeled myself as someone who “doesn’t drink” (why create that box?). I just always choose not to. 

Backstory: Alcohol used to be a big part of my life. Not in an overly reliant way, but it was one of my favorite ways to do something fun. I loved hanging out a brewery enjoying a delicious IPA while laughing with friends, I’ve enjoyed wine tastings throughout the world and love the feeling of ha…

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Ep. 65 | When Doing Big Scary Things Leads To Zero Regrets with Hannah Knight


In the span of a few weeks, Hannah called off her engagement, moved out of the home she loved, packed up her Subaru, and went on a solo 6 week cross country road trip to hike in National Parks and to start living the life she wanted instead of continuing down the "easier" path everyone expected. 

The week leading up to the trip she felt "so anxious...terrified". 6 weeks later as she finished her trip, she thought "This is 100% what I should have done. I regret nothing."
Listen to the episo…

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Ep. 64 | Compassion, Curiosity, and Connection: The 3 C's For Creating Positive Change + Living A Fulfilling Life

Welcome to the "Life Boost with a Amelia" podcast, where we're changing the narrative around what true health and success look like. They should give you energy, not drain it. I'm your host, Dr. Amelia, a multi-passionate integrative health and life coach, entrepreneur, and recovered burnout veterinarian. Together, we'll explore the science behind how your brain and body work, including the unconscious mind, while also connecting with what your heart needs in order to stand up to the norm of…

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Are You Being Honest About What You Want?


The 5 Freedoms Revisited – An Epilogue (Part 2): Freedom From Want

By Dr. Amelia Knight Pinkston

The high burnout and suicide rate in the veterinary profession cannot be our norm, and it doesn’t have to be. Dr. Don DeForge’s article “The Veterinary 5 Freedoms” was inspired from a speech designed to rally change for “a world attainable in our own time and generation”. Change is possible starting now – today. As a profession we need to be asking, “what specifically needs to change to foster a su…

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What Is Integrative Change Work?


One of the techniques I use in my coaching is integrative change work. If you see “integrative change work” and think “🤷‍♀️🤔....?”, that was totally my reaction before becoming certified. It’s not a term you hear every day…although it should be! Just like how we’re going to look back in 10 years and be very embarrassed by how much we ignored gut health, this is going to become VERY popular in the future. 

Have you ever watched a movie that is so well done that by the end you feel like it has …

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Freedom From Fear


The 5 Freedoms Revisited – An Epilogue (Part 1)


The high burnout and suicide rate in the veterinary profession cannot be our norm, and it doesn’t have to be. While reading Dr. Don DeForge’s article “The Veterinary 5 Freedoms”, I appreciated his inspiration from a speech designed to rally change for “a world attainable in our own time and generation”. Change is possible starting now – today. You summit a mountain one small step at a time. As a profession we need to be asking, “what specifical…

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Ep. 62 | Trauma Responses: Why We're All Stuck In Them And How To Get Out


You can listen wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. 


Hey Life Booster! This is Dr. Amelia, integrative health and life coach and recovered burnt out veterinarian, here to help you ditch the things that are weighing you down by breaking the norm and living a life that energizes you from within.

I hope that your day is going well, or is off to a good start, depending on when you're listening to this. Earlier today, I had one of the complimentary clarity coachin…

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The Life Boost Principles


I frequently used to wish that I could just escape from my brain.

I was exhausted - from a job that made me feel empty by the end of the day, from trying to keep up with a never-ending to-do list, from being anxious even when I didn’t know what was making me anxious which made me even more anxious, and from trying so hard and yet always feeling behind.

Yet the moment I would try to relax, my brain would get louder with thoughts like:

  • "You don't have time for this"
  • "Oh, you never scheduled …

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The Life Boost (LB) Approach


I’ve spent a lot of time asking, “If being healthy is supposed to feel good, why is the norm in our society to be sick, overweight, and/or unhappy?”.

You can learn more about the answer to that question here:

That leads to the next question, "what are the key components to being healthy in a way that feels good and IS sustainable?"

There are so many factors that impact the way you feel ph…

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