Random Acts of Kindness and Your Success

Welcome to Thriving Thursdays with Amelia! Today's topic is happiness. The video discusses:
- Why we all need to be prioritizing our happiness now regardless of our circumstances
- One of my favorite (science-based) ways to boost happiness: random acts of kindness
- An offer for a free gift at the end!
The most important thing I want you to take away from today is that regardless of your circumstances you can start making little changes today to boost your happiness. It's okay to prioritize your happiness now even if you're going through challenging times or while you're working towards achieving your goals.
When you focus on your happiness the people around you benefit, too. As a side effect you'll experience greater energy, confidence, and motivation that will ultimately lead to your success. And isn't the greatest success in life happiness anyway?
My Favorite Happiness Resources:
Yale's The Science of Well-Being course
My focus on prioritizing happiness really took off after I took Yale's Science of Well-being course taught by Dr. Laurie Santos. The course is available for free online through Coursera. It covers our misconceptions about what we think will make us happy and the things that science has shown truly does boost our happiness.
The Happiness Lab Podcast
If you don't have the time to take a course right now, I highly recommend subscribing to Dr. Laurie Santo's podcast, The Happiness Lab. Each podcast episode always leaves me inspired with a new thing to focus on for my clients or myself to boost happiness.
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation
I just discovered the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation's website and it's such a lovely and inspirational resource. These are some of my favorite finds from the site:
- This is a great summary of the science of kindness and it's many benefits
- I really love these Random Acts of Kindness At Work calendars for daily inspiration
- These inspiring kindness quotes make me happy just reading them.
A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
- Hugh Downs
What's your favorite random acts of kindness story?
What random act of kindness do you plan to do this week?
If you'd like a copy of the Happiness Boost gift I mentioned in the video send me an email and I'll send you a free copy!
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