The Becoming Unstoppable Jumpstart Program

A self-paced program for stressed out, tired veterinarians and other high achieving women who want to feel good again - healthy, energized, confident, happy - but feel overwhelmed with where to start. 

Click to start getting your life back now


The Becoming Unstoppable Jumpstart Program

A self-paced program for stressed out, tired veterinarians and other high achieving women who want to feel good again - healthy, energized, confident, happy - but feel overwhelmed with where to start. 

Click to start getting your life back now

You know in your gut this isn’t it. 

Your gut may even be physically telling you that! Or maybe it's the tension in your jaw,  or frequent headaches, or tightness in your chest. 

You’ve worked too hard to get to this point to…

⏰ feel a sense of dread when the alarm goes off in the morning  

☕️ feel so drained by the end of the day that you don’t have the energy to do the things you want to like spend time with friends or workout consistently or make healthy meals

😓 feel like you don’t know how much longer you can keep up this hamster wheel of working hard, ending the day irritable and exhausted, and then having to do it all again the next day wondering "why did I work so hard for this life that's not even making me happy?"

😞 be living in a state of “things will be better as soon as…” where that "better" is a carrot on a stick situation that you're forever chasing but have yet to actually experience 

I get it. I’ve been there.

But enough is enough. You deserve so much better than this!!

It’s time to make some changes.

And you know that. You WANT to, but where do you start, right?

It feels like every day there’s too much to do and on the rare days you do have a little free time you just want to shut your brain off. 

That makes sense.

It feels overwhelming to start because you've been living in survival mode.

I was, too. 

Which one of these signs of survival mode sound familiar?


You’re not the type of person who likes to slow down so much so that you tend to prioritize tasks on your to-do list over basic necessities like rest, nourishing food, water, sunlight and fresh air, or movement. Things like meditating and journaling sound kind of like torture and even though you’re tired, you’re proud of how much you accomplish. Rest feels so much better when you’ve earned it.


You tend to get frustrated with yourself or others quickly. Things like someone cutting you off in traffic or a rude client really bother you and it’s hard to let it go. Sometimes you’re embarrassed by how you overreacted to something that wasn’t that big of a deal.


You feel like you’re lazy. Even though you want to make healthy changes, you feel so tired and stressed by the end of the day the last thing you feel like doing is moving your body and you tend turn to alcohol, comfort food, pills, or you stay up too late watching tv or scrolling on social media. A weekend where you don’t have to be around anyone sounds blissful.


You're busy all the time because you feel bad saying "no" to things. It feels so good helping out others and being appreciated and you feel really guilty saying no. You thrive off of praise from others, especially because you worry a lot about not doing well enough at your job or saying something stupid during a conversation or whether your outfit looks good or not. You’re really good at knowing how others are feeling, but not super great at expressing how you’re feeling yourself.

In order for things to change, you need to:

⭐️ Shift out of survival mode (you're going to unlock so MUCH ENERGY when you do this)

⭐️Tune into what you need (and actually honor that without the guilt!)

⭐️Start connecting with and embodying that future version of you who is already living that "better" life (that version of you has so much wisdom you need to tap into)

⭐️ Embrace the 3 Life Boost C's (Compassion, Curiosity, and Connection) any time you encounter a challenge (when you adopt this, you'll never feel stuck) 

The 3 Life Boost C's:


If anything in life is feeling frustrating or overwhelming, you have to start "putting your oxygen mask on first" in order for that to change. This program is designed to help you start treating yourself and your body with the love and respect you deserve so you can shift out of survival mode and get off the damn hamster wheel.


If you want something to continue to be a problem, meet it with judgment. If you want to problem-solve, meet it with curiosity. You'll practice embracing curiosity to understand why things have felt hard and what you need in a fun and playful way!


All aspects of your life influence all aspects of your health and vice versa. Everything is connected. As you start listening to your body, mind, and heart, you'll be shocked at the positive ripple effect in your work, relationships, health, and more.

In the Becoming Unstoppable Jumpstart program, I'll walk you through those in a way that's simple while adding a little ✨ fun and play ✨ into your life so that you can start...

⭐️ feeling calm and thinking "I've totally got this" when you look at your schedule instead of feeling a cocktail of dread, overwhelm, and regret so that you have more time for the things that help you to feel good

⭐️ ending the day feeling proud of yourself even on days that don’t go as planned because you use challenges to learn more about yourself and you have your back no matter what

⭐️ seeing the parts of you that you love instead of your perceived fails or flaws

⭐️ taking 5 minutes in the morning to check in with yourself so that you’re grounded instead of starting the day with a mixture of cortisol, caffeine, and craziness 

If you have been wanting to make healthy changes but you keep telling yourself "tomorrow" because everything feels overwhelming today, I made this for you! 💗

This is also for you if...

  • You know stress is taking a toll on your mental and physical health but you didn't know where to start until now
  • You feel like you're losing sight of who YOU are outside of your career or role as a caregiver
  • Your inner voice is constantly judging you
  • You're in need of some fun and play!
  • You don't remember the last time you did something just for you
  • You and your body aren't BFFs
  • You want to start making healthy changes but you don't want to have to rely on discipline and willpower - you actually want to enjoy your life
  • Life is feeling heavy and you're ready to start feeling a weight lifted off your shoulders 

That's Totally Me, I'm In



Curious to learn more?

If you don't see the answer you're looking for here, just send me an email at 

  • A simple routine to do every morning to check in with yourself and identify what you need in order for the day to feel doable
  • A simple evening routine to start programming your brain to see your successes instead of your fails (hint: there are no fails with this approach - just valuable lessons that help you to move forward)
  • Daily morning and evening email reminders to help keep you accountable to make a little time for you (i know you need a nudge..) 
  • Weekly check-ins so that no matter how you navigated the week, we'll get valuable info about what you need to navigate the next week in a way you feel good about

And to keep things playful, we're playing Truth or Dare!

  • Every day, you'll play a game of Truth or Dare! 
  • If you choose truth, you'll have a question/journal prompt. These questions alone will change your life. I know that's a powerful statement, but it's true.
  • If you choose dare, you'll have a little thing to do that is going to add fun, pleasure, or play into your day.
  • Spoiler alert: You're going to want to do both, and you totally can.
  • Feeling intimidated by the game one day? No prob! You'll always have the option to practice managing your nervous system with calming exercises instead so you always have a safe space to turn to. This journey is for you and you can go at whatever pace feels good to you.

BONUS: You'll have anti-anxiety tools to help your body to shift out of survival mode (these work just as quickly as a glass of wine but you can use them any time of day and they're hangover and calorie free) plus a guided meditation that will shift you into a calm state and help you to start connecting with your body's wisdom. As you start becoming a pro at identifying your nervous system state, you're also going to start noticing these patterns in people around you. This shift in perspective is going to be a game changer when it comes to your relationships and interactions with others. 

You can get started! 🎉 This journey is self-paced and all about you.

You’ll receive an email with login info to access my client portal with lots of goodies waiting for you. I’ll walk you through a simple morning and evening routine that will help you to start protecting your energy and sanity while also starting to see the awesome human that you are.

You’ll also have access to your daily truth or dare, anti-anxiety tools to start releasing stress and negative energy that doesn’t belong to you, and a bonus guided meditation to shift into a relaxed state and connect with the inner wisdom that you’ve probably been ignoring but are going to have fun getting to know. 

To help to keep you accountable for carving out a little time for you, I’ll send you a morning and evening reminder. If you don’t want to receive those, you’ll have the option to stop them at any time. 

If you're worried you're going to sign up for this and then not actually do it, I've got you. I'll check in weekly for the first month so that if a week doesn't go as planned we can brainstorm what needs to happen to set yourself up for success the next week. No matter what you do, it's valuable info that's going to help you to create the change you want.

This month you can expect to start:

  • shifting out of survival mode so that you feel more in control and so you can start changing the patterns that aren't working for you (like stress-eating a bag of chips, saying "yes" to way too many things, having Jekyll and Hyde moments that you later regret, or putting off a conversation with your boss that could make your life so much more comfortable and less stressful)
  • reconnecting with yourself and your body and embracing self-compassion (this is such a huge piece!)
  • seeing your successes instead of your fails
  • feeling more calm and grounded in the morning when you think about your day
  • feeling more positive and proud of yourself at the end of the day  
  • making more time for YOU (even if that feels impossible right now)
  • having more fun!

You have it for a lifetime. 🙌🏻 

That means you can go at whatever pace is right for you. This is meant to be fun, so ditch the perfectionism. The only “right” way of doing this is the way that helps you to feel like a weight is being lifted off your shoulders.

This program has a month of daily truth or dares, but once you start the morning and evening routine you're probably not going to want to stop because of what a difference it makes in the way you feel and your mindset!

This is the start of creating the change you’ve been wanting and starting to experience life in a way that feels empowering and gives you resilience regardless of what’s happening around you. 

I sure do! I have 3 and 6 month programs available that are all about helping you to achieve your health and success goals in a way that adds pleasure, energy, and fulfillment to your life rather than draining them (otherwise it totally misses the point, ya know?).

Those programs dive deeper into nervous system regulation, gaining clarity on who you are and what you actually want, boundaries, how to eat healthy food that works for your specific body in a way that feels nourishing, delicious, and satisfying instead of restrictive and boring, gut health, blood sugar regulation, and more!

I recommend devoting at least 10-15 minutes per day for the best results, so if that feels like a stretch self-love month is the PERFECT place to start. If you would like to dive deeper and have more support, then you can learn more about my programs or apply here. If you're not sure where to start, submit the application to work together and we can chat about the right program or resource for you.


Hi! I’m Amelia - integrative health and life coach, consultant, entrepreneur, and recovered burnt out veterinarian.

My approach combines an evidence-based understanding of how the brain and body work while helping you to reconnect with who are at the core and what your heart needs to help you create change in your life that feels like a breath of fresh air. 

My Story:

I’m a veterinarian who has been there.

I decided I wanted to be a vet when I was 6 which means I don’t remember a time when I didn’t feel pressure to be the good girl, following all the rules, striving to get perfect grades and to have the perfect body, to set a good example for my little sister, and to juggle it all. 

And that approach helped me to achieve the “health” and “success” I wanted - temporarily. 

What I learned:

The traits that we are selected and rewarded for as veterinarians and high-achievers aren’t sustainable. If you want to experience real health and success (the kind that FEELS good instead of just looking good on the outside), you can’t keep using the same approach that has helped you to get to where you are. 

My name Amelia literally means “hard working” which was an important life lesson. I know what it’s like to have big dreams and there are 2 ways to achieve them:

  1. In a way that sucks the life out of you and drains your energy 
  2. In a way that adds pleasure, energy, and fulfillment to your life so that you enjoy the process of achieving your dreams (aka your life) instead of spending your life in the “things will be better as soon as…” mindset

If you’re ready to get off the hamster wheel and out of the cage, let’s get started with approach #2.

Ready to get started?

You're one click away from starting to lift a weight off your shoulders while having some fun. 🙌🏻

Start today, because you know you deserve it's only $50 for more energy and fun and less stress and overwhelm.

I do deserve this!