A self-paced program for stressed out, tired vet professionals and high achievers who want to feel good again - healthy, energized, confident, happy - but feel overwhelmed with where to start.
This month you can expect to start:
- shifting out of survival mode so that you feel more in control and so you can start changing the patterns that aren't working for you (like stress-eating a bag of chips, saying "yes" to way too many things, having Jekyll and Hyde moments that you later regret, or putting off a conversation with your boss that could make your life so much more comfortable and less stressful)
- reconnecting with yourself and your body and embracing self-compassion (this is such a huge piece!)
- seeing your successes instead of your fails
- feeling more calm and grounded in the morning when you think about your day
- feeling more positive and proud of yourself at the end of the day
- making more time for YOU (even if that feels impossible right now)
- having more fun!
What's included:
- A simple routine to do every morning to check in with yourself and identify what you need in order for the day to feel doable
- A simple evening routine to start programming your brain to see your successes instead of your fails (hint: there are no fails with this approach - just valuable lessons that help you to move forward)
- Daily reminders to help keep you accountable to make a little time for you (i know you need a nudge..)
- Daily truth or dares to add some fun and play into your life
- Weekly check-ins for the first month to make sure you're getting the most out of the program
BONUS: You'll have anti-anxiety tools to help your body to shift out of survival mode (these work just as quickly as a glass of wine but you can use them anywhere without the hangover) plus a guided meditation that will shift you into a calm state and help you to start connecting with your body's wisdom.